Tag: music

Parallel Compression in Live Mixing (Compression Part 2)

TL;DR: Parallel compression is a common studio mixing technique. Why I use it live. Latency and digital mixers. The Story: Parallel compression was introduced to me when I was mixing a project in Protools (thanks to Greg Giorgio, the same guy who taught me about versioning (https://www.rocktzar.com/visions-for-your-versions/). For those who need to google that, it’s …

Multiple Compressors in Live Audio (Compression Part 1)

TL;DR: How to use multiple compressors in a live mix, when your digital desk only has one compression plugin per channel. The Story: A lot of starting live engineers work vertically, adding EQ and compression on each channel individually, and then use groups/bussing for mixing and routing control. This is fine, but I often rely …

Audio Acronyms: DCA, VCA, Groups, and why the nuances matter

TL;DR: A look into DCAs and VCAs – seemingly strange and esoteric acronyms – how they can help you mix, and how they differ from groups. The Story: As audio mixers got bigger, it made sense to have the controls for outputs, submixes, and other master knobs and faders in the center of the desk. …

Visions for your Versions

TL;DR: Cover your assets by working with versions The Story: I talk a lot about Qlab on this blog, but today’s installment applies to working in any application. I’ve always been pretty organized, even before I started using computers. (You know, before entering college in 1994…) Keeping things straight is critical to knowing where you …

Aggregate Audio Interfaces in OSX (to use in Qlab, of course!)

TLDR: Combine audio hardware interfaces into a singular virtual device. The Story: As the head of sound and video for the theatre department at NVCC, I often will bring my own gear in for use in the show. It’s a learning-and-sharing thing for everyone involved, including myself. But it can also be a bad habit, …

How long is this Qlab Playlist?

TL;DR: Calculate how long a list of songs is in Qlab. The Story: In my early days of sound design, I would play my house music in iTunes. What could be easier? It was a drag and drop interface I knew well, and people who weren’t me could also control/change it. Of course, as I …

Qlab tutorials are coming!

Good morning! Starting next week, we are going to host a series here on Rocktzar.com, all about using Qlab in your show (with a couple of other production tips and topics thrown in along the way). Over the course of the next year or so, there will be weekly posts on how you can better program your …

It’s the Power of Love

Happy New Year!  Sadly, I still haven’t gotten to rest. But I just did an awesome gig last night with the Power of Love, a Huey Lewis and the News tribute act, at the Sinclair in Cambridge, MA. My job was directing the lighting while I mixed a video wall on the fly. We had …

Surprise! It’s holiday time!

As posted last time, Fall has been a constant flow and no days off. I figured I would finally get to have a break just after Thanksgiving – finish my corporate gig, come back to Fairfield U for the second show of the season for a week and a half, and then rest.  70 days …