Rosco video editing project

I’ve been working in theatre for 20 years, so I am very familiar with Rosco Labs’ products.  This month I was privileged to work on a marketing video of theirs, which made its debut at a big trade show in Germany last week.  Here is the booth, with the video looping on a screen on the back wall:

And here is the video! I did all of the editing in Final Cut, while Mary did all of the motion graphics in After Effects. We just kept swapping video files back and forth, working on our own dedicated bits, until it was done.

Because of some delays and changes, we had to do one final overnight push to render all the parts and upload it. If you work in video, you know that rendering involves a lot of waiting. So I wrote some Applescripts that would trigger and send me a text message to my phone when the render was done, thereby letting us catch some sleep in that time.
