Tag: workflow

Let Qlab run other applications with Applescript (with ToneGenerator as example)

TL;DR: Use Qlab to control every application on your Mac, so you can focus on your show. Also, ToneGenerator is great for soundcheck and room tuning. The Story: By now, you know that I am a big fan of using Qlab for everything. Part of that is the unified interface with the shows I work …

Google Drive and syncing your show with Backup and Sync software

TL;DR: Sync your computer with the rest of your team when you receive a Google Drive share. The Story: As I will cover elsewhere, Google Drive is king of all of the sync services out there – plenty of space for free, everyone has a Google account, and the Apps for word processing, spreadsheets, etc …

Google Drive and orphaned files

TL;DR: Clean out your Google Drive of old, orphaned files you didn’t realize you still have – and close up a potential privacy hole. The Story: I am working on a longer, detailed article on how I use Google Drive, and how it has transformed how I work on live productions. In researching what might …

Archive/Bundle functions in QLab (Save your show after it closes)

TL;DR: QLab has a function that quickly and easily archives/bundles your show, copying all of the files you used, so you can remove it from your show computer or move it to another theatre…with a caveat… The Story: In an earlier way-too-long post, I described my Type-A method to organizing my files as I design a …

Visions for your Versions

TL;DR: Cover your assets by working with versions The Story: I talk a lot about Qlab on this blog, but today’s installment applies to working in any application. I’ve always been pretty organized, even before I started using computers. (You know, before entering college in 1994…) Keeping things straight is critical to knowing where you …

Aggregate Audio Interfaces in OSX (to use in Qlab, of course!)

TLDR: Combine audio hardware interfaces into a singular virtual device. The Story: As the head of sound and video for the theatre department at NVCC, I often will bring my own gear in for use in the show. It’s a learning-and-sharing thing for everyone involved, including myself. But it can also be a bad habit, …

What’s in my Qlab show template? (Templates, part 2)

TL;DR: Speed up your workflow – and your learning in QLab – by making a template. Here is mine. The Story: I created a template that I use to start all of my shows, and contains the most commonly used scripts of mine. It isn’t cluttered with EVERYTHING I’ve learned, just something to help me …

Qlab tutorials are coming!

Good morning! Starting next week, we are going to host a series here on Rocktzar.com, all about using Qlab in your show (with a couple of other production tips and topics thrown in along the way). Over the course of the next year or so, there will be weekly posts on how you can better program your …