Tag: audio

Visions for your Versions

TL;DR: Cover your assets by working with versions The Story: I talk a lot about Qlab on this blog, but today’s installment applies to working in any application. I’ve always been pretty organized, even before I started using computers. (You know, before entering college in 1994…) Keeping things straight is critical to knowing where you …

An Occasional Midsummer Night’s Dream (David Bowie)

The director chose this as an ensemble piece. It was for tech, too! February has fallen into a pattern over the past few years. It’s when things start picking back up from the quieter January. The gradual changeover between maintenance, and repair throughout the theatre leading into prep for my usual season of shows coming …

Aggregate Audio Interfaces in OSX (to use in Qlab, of course!)

TLDR: Combine audio hardware interfaces into a singular virtual device. The Story: As the head of sound and video for the theatre department at NVCC, I often will bring my own gear in for use in the show. It’s a learning-and-sharing thing for everyone involved, including myself. But it can also be a bad habit, …

How long is this Qlab Playlist?

TL;DR: Calculate how long a list of songs is in Qlab. The Story: In my early days of sound design, I would play my house music in iTunes. What could be easier? It was a drag and drop interface I knew well, and people who weren’t me could also control/change it. Of course, as I …

Being “Indecent” (at Yale!)

A few weeks ago I got a call from Yale, asking me if I could come in and be the A2 for a show they had opening.  Just wrangle the wireless mics, but they didn’t know exactly how many they’d have. Things were still up in the air. Could be 3, could be 18. Well… …

New TV wiring and video games

Believe it or not, this is a much neater version of the wiring behind our TV.  We have a lot of video game systems, so a lot of irregular parts and wiring to cram together. Included systems: Atari 7800 (the only system missing parts and therefore not working…yet) NES SNES N64 Wii PS2 Xbox 360 …