Tag: applescript

Rock & Roll tours with Qlab (and help from Evernote)

TL;DR: Qlab is not just a tool for theatre. And it isn’t just for playing back media cues! The Story: I have been the North American sound engineer for Pain of Salvation (https://painofsalvation.com) for a few tours. I could go on at length how awesome that job is. One of of the issues we deal with …

Let Qlab run other applications with Applescript (with ToneGenerator as example)

TL;DR: Use Qlab to control every application on your Mac, so you can focus on your show. Also, ToneGenerator is great for soundcheck and room tuning. The Story: By now, you know that I am a big fan of using Qlab for everything. Part of that is the unified interface with the shows I work …

Dirty Programming: Clear your Cache in Qlab

This post has been updated after a Twitter conversation with the good folks at Figure 53 got me thinking…I’ve made this much more useful as a result, so you don’t pull your whole show down to a stop. TL;DR: Clearing out a buildup of cues in Qlab via a script, which is a little more …

Color-code your problems in Qlab

TL;DR: Color-code cues in Qlab while they are highlighted, during your run, so you can go back to them later, using Hotkeys. The Story: I love books. But I hate paper when it comes to the production process. Partly because I’m a geek and want to find cool ways to do things. And partly because …

How long is this Qlab Playlist?

TL;DR: Calculate how long a list of songs is in Qlab. The Story: In my early days of sound design, I would play my house music in iTunes. What could be easier? It was a drag and drop interface I knew well, and people who weren’t me could also control/change it. Of course, as I …

Get your computer off the Internet during a show

TL;DR: Writing a script in Qlab that will turn on or off your computer’s wifi, so you don’t have to remember to do it. The Story: Most people agree that your show computer should not be on the Internet – either because of downloading applications or updates that will impair your workflow, or because your …

DVD player control within Qlab

TL;DR: Use Qlab to play physical DVDs The Story: I was called in to be the lead video for a small event, located in a beautiful, historic ballroom. It was the preview screening of a very popular television show’s final season, so I was pretty into it, all things considered. This was the hall before …

What’s in my Qlab show template? (Templates, part 2)

TL;DR: Speed up your workflow – and your learning in QLab – by making a template. Here is mine. The Story: I created a template that I use to start all of my shows, and contains the most commonly used scripts of mine. It isn’t cluttered with EVERYTHING I’ve learned, just something to help me …

Setting computer system volume

TL;DR: Setting the computer’s headphone output volume so that it’s the same every time, using Qlab. The Story: There are so many things to set and remember at the top of a show. Volume settings for your computer shouldn’t have to be one of them. Scenario One: You’re running the show on a laptop which …

A Dummies Guide to Qlab, Part 2

TL;DR: One more week of introduction to Qlab. The Story: So, now we know what all of the buttons do. Let’s look at the actual Cue List, where we spend much of our programming time. The Esoteric Bit: Here is a sample show from a concert I designed lighting and video for: The first column shows …