Category: Qlab

Archive/Bundle functions in QLab (Save your show after it closes)

TL;DR: QLab has a function that quickly and easily archives/bundles your show, copying all of the files you used, so you can remove it from your show computer or move it to another theatre…with a caveat… The Story: In an earlier way-too-long post, I described my Type-A method to organizing my files as I design a …

Visions for your Versions

TL;DR: Cover your assets by working with versions The Story: I talk a lot about Qlab on this blog, but today’s installment applies to working in any application. I’ve always been pretty organized, even before I started using computers. (You know, before entering college in 1994…) Keeping things straight is critical to knowing where you …

Dirty Programming: Clear your Cache in Qlab

This post has been updated after a Twitter conversation with the good folks at Figure 53 got me thinking…I’ve made this much more useful as a result, so you don’t pull your whole show down to a stop. TL;DR: Clearing out a buildup of cues in Qlab via a script, which is a little more …

Color-code your problems in Qlab

TL;DR: Color-code cues in Qlab while they are highlighted, during your run, so you can go back to them later, using Hotkeys. The Story: I love books. But I hate paper when it comes to the production process. Partly because I’m a geek and want to find cool ways to do things. And partly because …

QLab licensing, costs, and what it all means

TL;DR: A primer on what you have to pay for – and what you don’t. And how it’s more affordable to use QLab than you might think. The Story: We have all been there. People use iTunes and Keynote (or, gasp, PowerPoint!) for a live production, because they don’t know what’s better out there. (That’s …

Aggregate Audio Interfaces in OSX (to use in Qlab, of course!)

TLDR: Combine audio hardware interfaces into a singular virtual device. The Story: As the head of sound and video for the theatre department at NVCC, I often will bring my own gear in for use in the show. It’s a learning-and-sharing thing for everyone involved, including myself. But it can also be a bad habit, …

How long is this Qlab Playlist?

TL;DR: Calculate how long a list of songs is in Qlab. The Story: In my early days of sound design, I would play my house music in iTunes. What could be easier? It was a drag and drop interface I knew well, and people who weren’t me could also control/change it. Of course, as I …

Get your computer off the Internet during a show

TL;DR: Writing a script in Qlab that will turn on or off your computer’s wifi, so you don’t have to remember to do it. The Story: Most people agree that your show computer should not be on the Internet – either because of downloading applications or updates that will impair your workflow, or because your …

DVD player control within Qlab

TL;DR: Use Qlab to play physical DVDs The Story: I was called in to be the lead video for a small event, located in a beautiful, historic ballroom. It was the preview screening of a very popular television show’s final season, so I was pretty into it, all things considered. This was the hall before …

Show files, folders, and web design

TL;DR: Talking about templates from one last angle, and ensuring your show files don’t get lost. The Story: After I graduated from college, I started working on a number of websites, big and small. This was before things like WordPress and other CMS platforms were out there, organizing your work for you. Back then, you …