Tag: video design

Archive/Bundle functions in QLab (Save your show after it closes)

TL;DR: QLab has a function that quickly and easily archives/bundles your show, copying all of the files you used, so you can remove it from your show computer or move it to another theatre…with a caveat… The Story: In an earlier way-too-long post, I described my Type-A method to organizing my files as I design a …

Visions for your Versions

TL;DR: Cover your assets by working with versions The Story: I talk a lot about Qlab on this blog, but today’s installment applies to working in any application. I’ve always been pretty organized, even before I started using computers. (You know, before entering college in 1994…) Keeping things straight is critical to knowing where you …

Dirty Programming: Clear your Cache in Qlab

This post has been updated after a Twitter conversation with the good folks at Figure 53 got me thinking…I’ve made this much more useful as a result, so you don’t pull your whole show down to a stop. TL;DR: Clearing out a buildup of cues in Qlab via a script, which is a little more …

QLab licensing, costs, and what it all means

TL;DR: A primer on what you have to pay for – and what you don’t. And how it’s more affordable to use QLab than you might think. The Story: We have all been there. People use iTunes and Keynote (or, gasp, PowerPoint!) for a live production, because they don’t know what’s better out there. (That’s …

Get your computer off the Internet during a show

TL;DR: Writing a script in Qlab that will turn on or off your computer’s wifi, so you don’t have to remember to do it. The Story: Most people agree that your show computer should not be on the Internet – either because of downloading applications or updates that will impair your workflow, or because your …

Show files, folders, and web design

TL;DR: Talking about templates from one last angle, and ensuring your show files don’t get lost. The Story: After I graduated from college, I started working on a number of websites, big and small. This was before things like WordPress and other CMS platforms were out there, organizing your work for you. Back then, you …


The following is an email that I sent a couple of years ago, when I was advising on the video design for a production of Laramie Project. This is typically a video-heady show, and they wanted to incorporate some live cameras in the show, as well as learn Qlab. I still get a lot of …

Come to the Cabaret

After last Spring’s insanity, we escaped to backpack in Europe for a bunch of the Summer. This Fall found me working on, among other things, NVCC’s production of Cabaret. I won’t get into how timely this show was with the political climate here in the US, but it was definitely the grounds for a lot …

Yet another Wizard of Oz projection production

I love working on the play Wizard of Oz, which is great, because productions keep finding me!  This time, Mary and I were both asked to work on some footage that was already shot (some green screen some…not), but the director didn’t have the time or know-how to make his vision work.  So we did …

Dance Ensemble performance – #6 of 6

Just as we were nearing the end of our over-the-top busy season at NVCC, disaster struck. Our electrical system for the main stage went DOWN. The short version is that the transformer on the roof had some serious issues and we had no reliable power for stage lighting. House lights and standard electrical wall outlets …